Kidney stones is a common problem in North India. It is one of the most common cause for kidneys becoming non functional and development of chronic kidney failure. Kidney stone are also called Renal Calculi/ Nephrolithiasis. These are hard deposits of salt and minerals inside the kidneys of one person.
Kidney Stones are caused by various factors like diet, obesity, some medical problems and medications. The stones most commonly form by crystallisation of salts in urinary tract when the urine becomes concentrated. Kidney stones can cause variety of problems in the urinary tract starting from kidney upto the urethra.
Pain is often the most common symptom of the stone disease. The utmost important thing in stone disease is to timely treatment of the problem before it can cause further damage to the kidneys or body. The treatment of stone disease vary from medical expulsive therapy to various endourological surgeries.
There are 4 different type of stones most commonly found in urinary tract, Different kind of kidney stones have their own unique causative factors. Following are the different kind of kidney stones:
There are several risk factors associated with kidney stones:
Kidney stones mostly become symptomatic when it moves in the kidneys or starts passing down the ureters (passage from kidney to bladder). Any stone passing in the ureter may block the flow of urine from kidney to the bladder and cause severe pain and may permanently damage the affected kidney if not treated timely. The most common symptoms of the stone disease are
Seek immediate medical attention if you experience:
Kidney stones are primary diagnosed on following investigations:
Ultrasound KUB - It is the non invasive modality of choice and is quick and easy to perform. It is primary modality for screening on outdoor basis.
Functional Imaging
These generally comprises of contrast based imaging modality to find out the functionality of the affected kidney and the opposite kidney. These are primarily Intravenous Pyelography/ IVP or CT Urography.
Blood Investigations:
Kidney function test, Serum Calcium, Serum Phosphorus, Serum Magnesium, Parathyroid Hormone Levels, Serum Uric acid levels are done to identify functioning of kidney as well as the various risk factors for formation of kidney stones.
The treatment of kidney stones depend upon the size of the stones. Very small stones of size less than 5mm are often the initial conditions in the kidney and treated medically with increase in food intake as well as urine alkaliser solutions. The larger stones in the kidney which are symptomatic are often treated with various endourological procedures.