In Vitro Fertilization Basics

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) which is used for infertility treatment.

Now, in order to get a clear conversance about in vitro fertilization, let us understand these complex medical terms one by one:

1. What is infertility?

When a women cannot get pregnant despite of having unprotected sex, over a period of one year or more. It can be due to hormonal imbalance, troubled ovulation cycle, etc.

2. What does in vitro means?

In vitro is a Latin word, which means “within the glass”. It is used in reference to a process which is performed outside human body.

3. What is assisted reproductive technology (ART)?

As the name itself suggests, this technique is used to treat the infertility issue. It has a wide scope in terms of treatment. Be it working upon donor eggs; donor sperm; frozen egg; surrogacy or the most common and effective in vitro fertilization (IVF), everything comes under the purview of assisted reproductive technology.

4. What happens under in vitro fertilization process? An explanation in basic words.

In vitro fertilization is a process having multiple steps, wherein a woman’s ovulation cycle is monitored regular basis to find out when the ova (eggs) will be mature enough to perform fertility treatment.

Once the mature ova (eggs) are identified, they are retrieved from the woman’s body and placed in lab.

Thereafter these eggs are fertilized with sperm in a tube shaped container usually in Petri dishes in the laboratory only; i.e. out of woman’s body. Therefore, ‘test tube baby’ is a commonly used term, for babies born with the assistance of in vitro fertilization technology.

Such fertilized eggs are then placed back into woman’s uterus so as to result into a successful pregnancy.

Who can opt for in vitro fertilization treatment?

To be honest, with the help of techniques like egg donation, sperm donation, anyone can choose in vitro fertilization treatment for getting pregnant.

Though there cannot be a conclusive list for who can go for in vitro fertilization, following is a list of various medical conditions where people struggling from those can choose in vitro fertilization treatment to become pregnant:

  1. People who have surpassed their reproductive age can still have children with the help of egg and/or sperm donation along with in vitro fertilization treatment.
  2. People who have unexplained infertility can take assistance of in vitro fertilization treatment.
  3. People whose partners are infertile can opt for in vitro fertilization.
  4. People, who want to have a baby by way of surrogacy, be it gestational or traditional can choose in vitro fertilization; wherein the eggs after being fertilized will not be placed into parent’s body rather they will be placed into surrogate’s body.
  5. Women who have infertility issue majorly due to fallopian tubes can go for in vitro fertilization treatment.
  6. Men with defective sperm quality can choose IVF wherein Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) are injected at the time of fertilization with the eggs.

Factors which impact success rate of in vitro fertilization treatment:

In vitro fertilization success rate represents number of conferment pregnancies i.e. pregnancy rate and also number of live births, called live birth rate.

Both of these success rates are dependent on various factors such as:

General factors:

  • Age: Usually women beyond 41 years of age can get pregnant with IFV along with the help of donor egg. However, younger ones do not require donor eggs in general.
  • Fertility history: Woman who had been pregnant in past have higher chances of successful IVF treatment as compared to those who have never been pregnant.
  • Lifestyle: Candidates who follow a healthy lifestyle have a better chance of successful in vitro fertilization treatment.
  • Duration of infertility or sub-fertility of candidate both in men and /or women is also an important factor to determine success rate.

Medical factors:

  • Having a high antral follicle count gives a better chance of successful pregnancy.
  • High level of anti-mullerian hormone assists in successful pregnancy.
  • Less endometrial thickness (EMT) reduces the success rate of pregnancy.
  • Tobacco consumption/ smoking/ alcoholism and addiction to other drugs cause a negative impact over chances of successful pregnancy.
  • Not having an ideal body mass index (BMI).
  • Embryo quality, semen quality.

Risk factors of IVF treatment:

Though there is no doubt that IVF has emerged as a boon for fertility treatment, but like everything else in this world there are some risk factors associated with this technique too.

Let us discuss them one by one:

1. Numerous births:

Usually more than one embryo is transferred in the womb in one cycle, due to which risk of multiple pregnancy increases. This practice also leads to prematurity, obstetrical complications, neonatal morbidity, etc.

2. Disease transmission:

Cases wherein either of the parents is suffering from Hepatitis B or HIV/AIDS the risk of vertical transmission has an increased probability. However, with techniques like sperm washing, etc these risks can be brought to a minimal level.

IVF centers play a crucial role in providing advanced fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) to couples facing infertility challenges. These centers offer state-of-the-art facilities and expert medical care to help individuals achieve their dream of parenthood. With a comprehensive understanding of IVF and assisted reproductive technologies, these centers provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs. Whether it's addressing issues related to age, fertility history, lifestyle factors, or medical conditions impacting fertility, IVF centers in Haryana strive to improve success rates and ensure safe pregnancies for their patients.

To book a Consultation for expert IVF treatment in Hisar, call: +91 896 866 8079.